Bitch In A Maserati

The other day we were coming home from bowling and we got behind a truck in the left lane, next to a Maserati with a bitch in it. She gets in the turn lane and decides not to turn, so as we all slow down for a stoplight, she suddenly jerks over without signaling or anything, right front of a truck, missing him by a few inches and then acts like it’s his fault.

There is no one in the right lane so the guy in the truck gets on the middle line and peels out when the light turns green so he can cut her off just the same. A car behind us got in the right lane and matched speed with the truck, so when she swerved over to the right lane to pass, she was blocked. We then pulled up next to her and matched speed with her. She needed to get over to turn left but we made her either go straight or turn right. Bitch was flipping her shit the whole time screaming and cursing and generally just pissed off. We then found out truck guy lived in our apartment complex and high fives were given all around.