Video Store Vigilante

When I worked in a small video store, as an assistant manager, there was this one customer who was being a real asshole, to the point where I got fed up with his shit and threw him out. He had been an asshole to every single other employee in the store, including our boss. He was just a mouthy harassing jerk.

Anyway, I saw him in a little strip mall nearby and he was bragging to some guys about he was cheating on his workers compensation. Then he pulls out this wad of cash and waves it under their noses like a Japanese fan. “I got all this fuckin free money from lying about my injured hand!” What an asshole.

Anyway if you go into the blue pages of the phone book you’ll find this listing in all cap letters that says;


And take a wild guess what video stores keep in their records? Full name, home address, and phone #. Not only did I turn this guy in, but was also able to provide great detail as to exactly how he was faking his injury as he explained it to his two friends.