Loud Ass Drunk Neighbor

I had a loud ass apartment neighbor that was always causing problems. My wife got fed up one night when him and his drunk friends were wrestling in the parking lot and making a ton of noise, so she called the cops.

This was an angry drunk Mexican that decided to retaliate for the cops getting called on him by breaking my antenna off my car as soon as the cops leave.

I fumed about the antenna for a week when the dick came back home drunk again at 6 AM again waking me up as he thundered up the stairs. It wasn’t till a couple hours later we noticed he left his keys in the door of his apartment. I snuck up the stairs and took his keys right out of the lock and chucked them in a ditch a block away.

The best part was hearing him storm around tearing his place up looking for them. You could hear the prick moving furniture and shit. His truck had two separate alarms and after he lost his remotes he had to replace both of them. I regret nothing.

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