Soccer Tryouts

During soccer tryouts, this kid who disliked me was doing everything he could to make me look bad. He would hound me during every competitive exercise, even if it didn’t accomplish anything for him or his team.

We had a final scrimmage on the last day of tryouts and he continued to harass me, until about halfway through. I was sprinting towards a loose ball while he was coming at it from my right. He got to it about a second before I did and shielded the ball with his back towards me, knowing I couldn’t slow down in time and he could hip check the shit out of me.

Without thinking, I turned my shoulder towards him and jumped. My shoulder made contact with his back, which somehow caused my body to flip over his, until I landed on my feet, in front of him, with the ball. I coolly passed to a teammate while everyone flipped the fuck out. I tried so hard to play it cool, but it was just too much. I flipped out a little too.

Yes, I made the team. It’s kind of hard to reject the kid with apparent ninja skills.

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