
I was a swimmer in high school. Our practice ran in the morning from early before school started and ran into half of the first period. For the remainder of the first period we had study hall–where we would sit in the cafeteria and just get homework/studying done that we should have done the night before. So some of the other swimmers and I are sitting in study hall doing our own thing. In walks the “weird kid”, making a beeline to the snack machine. He proceeds to put his coins in, press the appropriate number for the desired snack, and motions his hand towards the opening at the bottom to receive his seemingly desperately needed snack. It gets stuck.

He stands back up, ever so slowly, clearly discouraged at the obstacle that has been placed before him. He calmly tries to shake said snack dispensary to free his prize. No luck, additionally, our swim coach shouts over to him, “DO NOT, shake that machine, again.” My coach then proceeds to sit back down, and ignore the sincere disappointment on this kids face as a result of have no avenue of snack retrieval. The kid then puts his hands in his pockets, and stares at the machine for about a minute of what I assume was pure unadulterated disappointment. I assume, as I watch him standing there, that he is waiting for someone to come along and use the machine; hopefully getting an item ideally placed above his–knocking it down.

Without warning, the kid grabs the machine by the side, rears his knee up like an awkward overweight Guile and pierces the glass, shattering it. He slowly reaches through, grabs his snack, and begins to eat it.

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