Apartment Parking Spot
Too late to the thread but I’ll share a story my dad told me about.
My dad used to live in an apartment building with assigned parking, meaning every tenant had a designated space that only they were allowed to park in. Well, my dad would regularly come home to find someone else parked in his spot. He had asked the guy politely several times not to park in his spot, and had even talked to the landlords who had done nothing about it. One day he got home to find the guy parked in his spot again and decided enough was enough.
My dad had always worked on cars, ever since he was thirteen. He had a jack in his trunk and used that to jack the guy’s car up off its rear tires. It was a rear wheel drive car which meant my dad now had control of the car. Using the jack he pulled the car across the lot and left it somewhat hidden behind a dumpster. Then he let the car down, put away his jack, parked in his spot and went up to his apartment.
Later that day he got a knock on his door. It was a police officer with the inconsiderate neighbor behind him. The officer asked my dad what he had done with the neighbor’s car and my dad looked him right in the eye and said “He parked in my spot and I’ve asked him several times not to do so, so I lifted his car up and set it over by the dumpster.” Now, to give you an idea about my dad, he’s 6’5″ and back in the day was really well built. He also has only one eye, and the fake one he’s got has always been too small, giving him a constant “madman” look. When he told the officer that he’d lifted the car and moved it himself and even pointed out where the car was through his apartment window the police officer’s eyes got as big as dinner plates. He turned to the neighbor and said “Sir, I recommend you never park in this man’s spot again.” Guy stopped parking in my dad’s spot after that.