Carp Dayum

A friend and I were fishing at a local creek when my friend’s brother pulled up. Being the dick he normally was, he started throwing rocks in the creek to scare the fish away – then he threw my friends bike in the creek. We were 13 at the time, my friend was crying and I felt so bad. I jumped into the creek and got his bike out, told him we would get his brother back.

About a month later we were fishing again and it was the dead of summer. I told my friend today is the day we get his brother back. We caught a 2/3 pound carp, threw it up on the side of the bank and left it there until we were done fishing. At the end of the night went back to his place his brothers car was sitting on the street, we took the carp sliced it open and threw it under the drivers seat and rolled his windows 3/4 up.

The next morning when we woke, I forgot about what we had done. When I left, I noticed the window of his car was kind of black color – which was weird because they weren’t tinted. When I took a closer look, I realized it was covered in flies. I actually got scared because I did not expect to a window caked with flies. By the time I got home I was laughing in tears because his brother was always such a dick to us.

Fast forward to baseball practice about 3 days later, my friend had a black-eye but smiled at me when we made eye contact. His brother flipped out and ran into his house and punched him in the face, assuming that he did it. His mom flipped out on his brother, and he was grounded for the rest of summer. His mom said that my friend would never do such a thing and he played along and acted as if he had no idea. Apparently the smell never really left the car.

We nicknamed his brother lord of the flies.