Small Town Justice

I used to live in a very small town, like 250-300 people. We had no stores, gas stations etc.

One day a local guy decided to open up a little store that sold the basic groceries and rented movies. He hired a few of us high school kids to work the store, and promised us $50 a week for the summer to be paid at the end of the summer.

We agreed, and started working. We gave up our summer, stocking shelves, cleaning the bathroom, lawn care, and whatever else.

Well, the end of the summer comes around. It’s our last day of work, and he comes by with our pay checks. $50. For each of us. For the whole summer.

Needless to say, we weren’t too happy, but his words were, “What the fuck are you gonna do about it? Drop the key off at my house since you won’t need it anymore.”

We came up with a plan to pay this douchebag back. Before locking up the store for the last time, we left a window unlocked. We dropped the key off at the house. Around midnight, we were back at the store. Grabbed as much as we could, cigarettes, money from the register, candy. Probably about $1000 worth of shit, locked the window, then left through the emergency exit that had no alarm. There were also no cameras of any kind.

Next day there were cops there. He accused all of us of doing it, but had no proof. He ended up having to shut down the store a few months later because the town heard how he didn’t pay us and stopped doing business there.

I don’t feel bad. Fucker deserved it.